Monday, February 9, 2009

Save Money with Geico

Logan says we need to get Geico so we can save hundreds of dollars on our car insurance. That way we have a lot of money and we can take him to Chuck E Cheese. Also so we can buy him toys that he wants because we always say "that one is too much money." And maybe we can buy him the Spider Man Web Shooter and also some video games like for the XBOX and stuff.

Way to go Geico. Saving little boys everywhere from cheap ass toys.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


LOL!! I can't even type..tears streaming down my face!!! SOOO funny!!!


I would have blogged yesterday about the inauguration but I was too busy NOT working and watching and/or listening to it live on the web. I just want to say, I LOVE OBAMA.

He is ON TOP of things. He has made progress even on this first day of his presidency. I look forward to the re-shaping of our country and our place in the world.

I hope you all do, too.

Hooray for TRANSPARENCY!!!

OMG!! So funny!!!

Okay, so I know I have already failed at this New Years resolution thing (thanks for the candid reminder, Bree :P) but I have come to offer you a token of my apologies. Please watch and laugh. Then forgive me. Thanks.

Okay how FREAKING hilarious is that!! I almost died laughing. What the heck do you do when your kid does or says something totally inappropriate and you are trying to punish them but you are laughing so hard it negates your effort?

Funny quick story along the same lines.
I was trying to get Logan into the bath last night. And by trying I mean hauling him upstairs as he held on with all of his might to the banister, holding him down while I took his dirty/sandy clothes off of him, holding my breath when I got a whiff of his socks, trying to pull him into the bathroom when he had his arms and legs spread to grip the door frame, tugging him over the edge of the tub and...then he starting laughing and chanting "My pee-pee's in your pocket". was. He was standing on the edge of the tub and while I was focusing on trying to get him INTO it, he had stuck his "pee-pee" into the breast pocket on my scrub top.

So I KNOW this is so wrong. But it was also in that moment utterly hilarious. And the more I tried to tell him to stop, the more he chanted, the more I laughed and..ALAS..finally he was laughing so hard I wrestled him into the tub for the scrub and soak he so very needed.

The end.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


So. It's 12:00am...almost. I dunno why I am up. My brain is asleep. My foot is asleep....maybe the rest of me will catch up soon..

I have been neglecting my blog, but since I am already losing weight my New Year's Resolution is to blog at least once a week. Starting..NOW. So check back by next Saturday. K? Thanks. Bye.

The End.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

ANOTHER Dave Tweet and Stuff

Okay so I know I kind of faded out of the blogging for a bit, but I am back.
New things:

1) Boot camp workout Monday and Wednesday nights. Very hard, very rewarding! I have now lost 24 pounds! YAY!!

2)Wrath of the Lich King came out today. So I am going to have to make some room for Northrend in my life.

3) Logan is huge. It's completely ridiculous. When did my baby turn into a little boy? I can barely lift him anymore.

4) I will be posting pictures this week, I promise.

5) I just got my newest Dave Tweet for the archives:

We are all making up funny nicknames for each other and this is what happened:

I said:
@DaveJMatthews My buddy @DavidJBuchholz just nicknamed me GroovaliciousCamilicious Isn't he the best?

And then Dave said:
DaveJMatthews @CamiRose groovalicious you from twitterrific in reply to CamiRose

That WAY outdoes "yummy". Dave rocks.

Off to Northrend!


Friday, October 17, 2008

My Newest Dave Tweet.

I don't know what fountain of luck I threw my pennies into, but here is my newest tweet from Dave. Better than yummy.

CamiRose @DaveJMatthews How ya doing tonight, Dave? Did you have a pleasantly spunky day? from web in reply to DaveJMatthews

DaveJMatthews @CamiRose I had a beautiful day thankyou. from twitterrific in reply to CamiRose

CamiRose @DaveJMatthews That's always great to hear. When you have a good day, all your little twitterers have a great day with you. from web in reply to DaveJMatthews


You know, I love getting Tweets from Dave, but I also love the new people I am meeting who are his fans as well.